The Utah Transit Authority’s Future of Light Rail (FOLR) was launched in early 2020 and concluded in January 2023 with the completion of the UTA Light Rail Strategic Plan. The study included a comprehensive analysis of the region’s light rail and streetcar network. The goal of the study was to guide regional transportation improvements that included light rail and streetcar in both the short and long term. Service expansion scenarios were generally limited to projects shown as funded in the Metropolitan Planning Organizations’ (WFRC and MAG) 2019 Regional Transportation Plans that did not have a current study underway.

Stakeholders were engaged throughout the FOLR study with a process also in place to inform the general public and solicit input at key points. Engagement efforts included multiple presentations and workshops, online and in-person surveys, and a UTA study webpage with FOLR documents posted as they were released.

The Light Rail Strategic Plan includes five key areas of recommendation:

  1. Plan for possible service expansion and reconfiguration

  2. Optimize fleet efficiency

  3. Fund and schedule key infrastructure renewal/improvement projects

  4. Collaborate with partners to increase transit signal priority

  5. Enhance span of service

Additional details can be found in the Light Rail Strategic Plan Presentation and in the Light Rail Strategic Plan.

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